
2012 Holiday Safety Initiative

In the October 2012 Safety Newsletter Redi Services, LLC rolled out our 2012 Holiday Safety Initiative.  The Holiday Safety Initiative was geared toward increasing employee and management participation in Redi’s Job Safety Observation (JSO or Redi’s BBS) program.  The Holiday Safety Initiative also focused on encouraging employees and managers to lead safety meetings.  In order to inspire participation Gary Condos, COO and Jay Anderson, CFO purchased two all-expenses paid 4-day Mexican Baja cruises for two.  To qualify for the drawing an employee or manager had to either turn in a JSO (one chance at the cruise for each submission) or they could conduct a safety meeting (ten chances at the cruise for each meeting they ran).

Congratulations to Michelle Alcorn and Tony Weaver!!!  They have each won a 4-day Mexican Baja Cruise.  Michelle works on the Redi team at Exxon Mobil’s Black Canyon facility.  Tony works as Redi’s Wyoming Hydro-excavation department manager.  Redi deeply appreciates the participation from all employees, and everyone enjoyed the excitement that this project created.

Redi would like to take this opportunity to share what we have learned from this experience and announce the winners.  We have witnessed a significant increase in participation in 2012 versus 2011 and 2010.  Each year’s Holiday Safety Initiative has been different in nature so there is no way to compare apples to apples.  However, for the drawing offered this year we had 1,976 entries.  In the fourth quarter of 2012 Redi averaged 445 employees.  That is an average of almost 4.5 entries per employee.  In the two previous years Redi averaged approximately 1 entry per employee.

The overall question that has to be answered is: did the Holiday Safety Initiative accomplish the overall objective?  The answer would have to be YES.  Many employees increased their participation in Redi’s safety programs.  We had many JSOs that employees documented where they had stopped the job and addressed the concerns.  Several employees and managers enlisted to run safety meetings throughout this Holiday Safety Initiative.  This is the culture that Redi wants to foster throughout the entire organization.  Redi will continue to develop a commitment to the health and safety of their employees and the environment by taking proactive measures similar to the 2012 Holiday Safety Initiative.


HSE Director

Lance Norris

Gary Drawing Names

Manager Winner Tony Weaver

Please click on links below to open forms for JSO and Near Miss.


Near Miss